Hidden treasure – Is Jesus Christ in your heart

Where is your treasure?
Is your hidden treasure Jesus Christ? Or is it something else? I am going to share one of my morning experiences with you.
While getting ready for work one morning, I started thinking about this website. I realize this site is for a person like myself. Someone that is, filled with questions about God and living. It is for the person whose heart desperately hunger and thirst for God in their life. The soul of one that yearns for fulfillment. I also realize it is for the person; who forgot what it felt like to have those desires and the heart to pursue God. And for the person who never had those feelings but is curious about God for themselves.
As I continue in my thoughts, I begin to reminisce on the words of Jesus, which is, Blessed are they that hunger and thirst after righteousness for they shall be filled. Then, I started to dwell on the parable of the man who found a treasure in the field. He hid it, and filled with joy, went out and sold his belongings. He then came back and buys, that field with the valuable.
That is the first time I can remember myself being wow, by that scripture. Today I realize that priceless hidden treasure is Jesus Christ. As I am writing, also thinking about Jesus’ words, which is where your treasure is, there also is your heart.

Julia’s, hidden treasure
Today is Julia, weekend off from work. Finally, she has some time to herself. Work has been busy lately; due to the holiday season. Julia work at a corporate office for a manufacturing company. Julia has been working overtime, and she has been feeling quite exhausted from work.
On the morning of her first day off work, Julia decided to sleep in late. When she finally awakes, she had breakfast, got dressed, and headed downtown on a shopping spree. There is a new boutique Julia heard about from one of her co-workers. Julia had complimented her on an accessory and inquired of her where she had purchased the item. It has been a while since her last shopping trip. She wanted to buy some new things for herself.
The store opens up at nine, in the morning. Julia got there just as the clerk puts up the; now open sign on the window. When she walked into the store, she was greeted; with a warm welcome from the clerk. Julia was very impressed. The employees seem very welcoming. Julia was quite impressed at how clean and well organized they kept the store. The store had a pretty design and beautiful décor.
Julia felt a bit intimidated being at the store. Mostly everything on the shelves looked expensive. And so she wondered if she would be able to find anything she liked at an affordable price. As Julia walked through the store, she found a few things that she liked and could afford. She got a couple of small pieces of colorful accessories.
Too expensive
Julia continued on her walk through the store and then made her way to the back. She soon stumbles upon a rare yet expensive piece of diamond. She knew it was very costly but, she wanted it anyway. What should I do? Julia taught to herself. She was nervous to ask the clerk; to hold the item for her until she saved up the money to buy it. Julia did not want anyone to know about her money issue. So instead, Julia came up with a plan she would hide the item behind another item in hopes that no one would find it.
Julia planned to hide the diamond with the intent to come back and buy it. First, she would sell some of her belongings like books, CDs, and whatever else would sell on websites like Craigslist. She also planned on having a yard sale the following weekend and using the holiday bonus money; she received from her job to pay for the item. Every day after work, Julia would stop by the shop and check to see if it were still there. She even placed it further back on the shelf.
Anxious, is it still there?
Julia managed to come up with the money by selling her belongings on Craigslist. She even had a successful yard sale the following weekend and cashed her paycheck including, her bonus after work. Next Saturday morning, her weekend off from work, Julia woke up feeling very anxious and decided to skip breakfast. She took a cab and hurried her way downtown to the boutique.
As usual, she walked into the store and was greeted; with a warm welcome. Julia walks in with a forced smile on her face. She hurried her way to the back of the store. The diamond is still there; at long last, Julia can breathe comfortably for the first time all morning. She quickly made her way up to the front counter and purchased the item. She then walked out of the store feeling that she must be the happiest person alive about now.
Priceless hidden treasure
The traffic today seems quite busy, and the sidewalk is crowded, with lots of pedestrians. Julia is nervous with the crowd of people walking past her. She is afraid of being pickpocketed, and so she clutches onto her purse like a priceless piece of treasure. Julia waves down a cab on the corner street and rides straight to her house. When she arrived home, she placed that rare yet expensive piece of jewelry in a cute little jewelry box she had purchased at the boutique and hid it in a safe place in her home.
The End.

Hidden treasure
Therefore, let us be like the man in the parable, who found a field with a treasure in it and then hides that treasure. After he had sold his belongings with joy, he went out and, he buys the land with the gem.
And likewise also like Julia, who found a limited and expensive piece of jewelry in the boutique. She hid it and gladly sold her belongings for it.
Jesus is more precious and of more value than all the treasures in the world. None can compare to his matchless worth. Let us hide Christ in our hearts as a most valued treasure over all else. Set aside time to read the bible and get to know Jesus Christ, our beautiful esteem. For if Christ is your treasure, your heart will seek God, and you will be where he is also.
Treasures in heaven
Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieve break through and steal:
But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal:
For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also. Matthew 6:19-21.
Thanks for taking the time to read this message. May your love for Christ be your treasure.
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