God’s ears are open to the righteous

God’s ears are open
Good morning, family. The bible verse of the day is in 1 Peter 3:12. And it reads, For the eyes of the Lord are over the righteous, and his ears are open unto their prayers: but the face of the Lord is against them that do evil. God’s ears are open to the righteous.
Here are my thoughts: God sees and hears the prayers of His people; he knows everything about us. He knows our pain, our affliction; God listens and responds to our cry for help.
I will leave you with a thought and, that is: Think about the weight of living righteously, and God responds to your cry for help. That versus unrighteous living and not having the solution to your problems. I encourage you to read Psalms 34 on this subject in your spare time.
Have a blessed day.
Rest in the full assurance of faith that God’s ears are open to the righteous.
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