Faith And Works | Faith Without Works Is Dead

Definition of faith
Happy Sunday, family, the bible verse of the week – 3/28/2021 is from the book of James 2:14. The message of the week is faith without works is dead.
The book of James 2:14-26 addresses much about the subject of faith. Faith without works versus faith accompanied with works.
Faith is complete trust or confidence in someone or something.
Similar words to faith are trust, belief, confidence, reliance, dependence, hope.
Bible description on what faith does
Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. Hebrew 11:1.
Similar words to substance are solidity, reality, actuality.
Similar words to evidence are proof, confirmation, verification.
In other words: the substance of things hoped for is the reality that the unseen is real; the evidence of things not seen is proof or conviction that the Lord will reward those who believe in him.
For example; The salvation of the believer is anchored through faith in Jesus Christ. We believe that he will return and reward us according to our good works.
And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be. Revelation 22:12.

Faith without works is dead
In James 2:14, the writer probe the question, is faith without works profitable, and can it save?
Today we will focus on the differences between faith with works and faith without works alongside the verses that talk about faith in the book of James 2:14-26.
Faith without works versus faith accompanied with works
14 – Is faith without works profitable, and can it save?
17 – Faith is not alive, without works; it is dead.
18 – Faith without works versus faith with works.
19 – The devils believe there is one God. Regardless of this reality, that belief did not lead them to submission and obedience to God. Instead is filled with hatred rather than love, rebellion, and disobedience.
20 – Faith without works is dead. The separation of faith and works is vain; in other words, it is futile, useless, worthless.
21 – Abraham was justified by works when he proved his genuine faith through obedience to the voice of God.
22 – Faith produces good works, and works make faith perfect. Faith and works worked well together.
23 – Abraham believed in God and; to his credit, it counted for righteousness, and he was called the friend of God. His obedience made him a friend of God.
24 – Man is justified; by faith and works – declared righteous through works and faith.
26 – Faith without works is dead.
Faith and works
- Genuine faith and righteous works; work well together.
- True faith in God will naturally produce good works.
- Faith in Jesus Christ will demonstrate itself in love for others.
- There is no profit of faith without righteous works, neither can it save. I encourage you, in your spare time to read, Romans 2:5-13.
Similar words to righteous – good, upright, decent, honest, innocent, blameless.
Love and faith
When a person truly believes in Christ, that belief in the Lord will change how you live your life. Works are actions that follow the royal law of love. If you sincerely love God, you will keep his commandment. You will faithfully serve the Lord and work out the faith of our Lord Jesus Christ by showing love for the brethren in obedience to the word of God.
Be Bless.
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