Ask in faith | Be single minded

Let your request be in faith

Good morning, family. The bible verse of the day is in James 1:6. And it reads, But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering. For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed.

Here are my thoughts: Doubting means to be divided in one’s mind, like having uncertainty. We must approach God in faith if we expect Him to hear and answer our prayers. One of the reasons prayer goes unanswered is because of doubt.

I will leave you with a challenge and, that is: Be intentional, purpose in your mind that you will put your trust solely in God and lend on his word. So that when you approach God in prayer, you come in the faith of him.

Have a blessed day.

Join me for 60 seconds in a time of fellowship in the word of God. The text in this video is above the page.

Whatever your requests & supplications to God are, ask in faith. A double-minded person is unstable in all his ways, says the word of God.


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