Faith works patience in God

The labor of your faith is patience

Good morning, family. The bible verse of the day is in James 1:3. And it reads, Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience.

Here are my thoughts: Abraham is a man who was strong in faith. He went through the testing of his faith, like the believers in Christ today. There is the testing we go through for our spiritual growth. It is not to destroy us.

I will leave you with a thought and, that is: Think about the weight of living for Jesus though at times bearing afflictions and coming out on top versus turning back from this walk with Christ. Better to go all the way with Christ and reign with him forever than to turn back.

Have a blessed day.

Join me for 60 seconds in a time of fellowship in the word of God. The text in this video is above the page.

The scripture encourages us to wait on God and be of good courage, and God will strengthen our hearts. Our faith works patience in God.


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